Monday, February 11, 2013

Qt For Real

This weekend I managed to bring the console version of my Tic-Tac-Toe app back to life. It probably spent a little bit too long in pieces, but it is what it is. Still a little bit of work to go, but hopefully not to bad. Doing this allowed me to focus on the Qt portion of my app today. Thankfully the refactoring I did to my game made it really easy to make a window and make it so I could click and place moves on the board. That part was surprisingly easy. I think this just means that the rest of the program will take me a while. We'll see.

I spent this evening investigation dialog boxes. It looks deceptively easy to get a dialog box to come up and then return the value you want. I think the trick will be writing a custom dialog box. None of the built in ones seemed to use radio buttons. I suppose that I could use a pair of select dropdowns if I have to. I think this is it for tonight though. I've had enough for one day.

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